1 to 100 of 2156 results - 21 pages |
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Search for: |
[flying mango] |
Finds: |
'Flying Mango Attack' |
: |
'I like flying' |
: |
'I want a mango' |
+ |
(AND) |
Search for: |
[+flying +mango] |
Finds: |
'Flying Mango Attack' |
Doesn't Find: |
'I like flying' |
: |
'I want a mango' |
- |
cannot appear
(NOT) |
Search for: |
[flying -mango] |
Finds: |
'I like flying'' |
Doesn't Find: |
'Flying Mango Attack' |
* |
0 or more characters
LIKE search accepts at start and end
STANDARD search accepts at end ONLY |
Search for: |
[ultra*] |
Finds: |
'ultraviolence' |
: |
'ultravioliet' |
Doesn't Find: |
'ultimate'' |
Search for: |
[*lee*] (LIKE only) |
Finds: |
'lee' |
: |
'sleep' |
: |
'bleed'' |
" " |
Search for: |
["flying mango attack"] |
Find: |
'Flying Mango Attack' |
Doesn't Find: |
'attack is unusual for a flying
mango' |
( ) |
group not
LIKE search |
Search for: |
[+(flying attack)] |
Finds: |
'Flying Mango Attack' |
Doesn't Find: |
'look a flying mango' |
: |
'I like flying' |
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yourselves |
zero |
Overall total postings: 2156
3286 |
2025-03-13 |
00:01:05 |
Happy Birthday, Lee XXXX |
3283 |
2024-12-10 |
10:12:15 |
Happy birthday Anno. Love to you and Andrew.
Isa and Mario |
3282 |
2024-12-10 |
02:44:10 |
Happy Birthday, Anno XXXX |
3281 |
Andrew |
2024-12-09 |
12:17:03 |
Happy mutual back-scratching birthday darling boy -
er, well hardly a boy as you enter your 45th year -
and I my 80th ... but then as Ian W said back in
2001, "who ever could imagine Anno with grey hair",
and indeed you'll always be the epitome of bold
youth to us. As for my hair, no longer grey but
snowy white, just like your mum's! |
3280 |
Ned |
2024-11-13 |
10:50:59 |
Thinking of dearest Lydia today. She was such a kind
soul, such a good friend to Bee and Jannie, such a
fun and warm person to have around throughout mine
and Anno's childhood. She was family in all the ways
that matter, and she will be terribly missed. I
can't imagine how hard it must be to lose a best
friend who you've known for a lifetime, so I'm
thinking of you Bee as well as Lyd's family right
now. And thinking those timeless times we spent in
Baja with Lyd, which gave me a love of travelling at
the youngest age, and which will be forever etched
into my memory and heart. XXX |
3279 |
Mama Bee |
2024-11-13 |
08:32:29 |
Dear Lydia died last night. She was a
darling friend and Anno's and Ned's much
loved surrogate mum when they were young
and I was working. We met aged 15 - the
naughtiest girls at our Cornish school -
and stayed close all of our lives. We had
some amazing adventures together over
the years. She was a true heart sister
to me and we will all miss her dreadfully.
Last Sunday I was with her and able to
give her a hug and silently wish her the
lightest of flights into the unknown.
Anno - look out for her as she flies by.. |
3277 |
Allira |
2024-11-08 |
21:10:19 |
Always in my heart... Sending love across the
ocean to all who were blessed to know them. Still
so sorely missed. |
3276 |
Lynn Kolb |
2024-11-08 |
20:31:44 |
Remembering "the boys" Alberto, Anno and Lee as
they rest peacefully in heaven watching over their
families. Hugs to all from Billy's Mom as I think
of you all and keep you close to my heart. |
3275 |
2024-11-08 |
08:12:00 |
Ciao Alberto, Anno and Lee. Love for you preserves
memories in our hearts that no one can erase. Love
and warm hugs to Bee, Andrew, Ned , the whole family
and to everybody who loves and remember you.
Isa e Mario
3274 |
2024-11-08 |
07:42:12 |
hugs to everyone today xoxox |
3273 |
MamaBeee |
2024-11-07 |
22:10:37 |
Thinking of you this night, Isa and Mario - and
sending love and memories of our precious sons.
I hope I dream of my boy tonight - of his smile and
his voice as he walks by my side with all his nearly
21 years collected into one moment in time - his
hand in mine and his bold heart beating on.
Lala salama darling Anno.
3268 |
Andrew |
2024-11-07 |
20:46:37 |
Thanks so much to Dafydd for restoring the website
in time for this night of nights.
I'm up here in Wales with Ned, and Tom - the brother
Anno never knew, but maybe will one day through his
poetry, and KjD's music.
Mighty bonds of empathy to all who stil grieve, no
matter the distance of space and time - to Isa and
Mario, Lee's family, Billy, Bee and David -
unbounded love to all, and of course to Anno - but
he doesn't need it as I'm sure he already knowsHLY
... XXX |
3267 |
Gronk |
2024-11-07 |
17:39:43 |
The saddest anniversary has rolled around again. JS and I live a stone's throw from each other in Brighton at the moment; we're planning to meet near midnight and throw stones into the sea. I wonder what those boys would be up to now - maybe working in an office like me, maybe writing podcasts like JS. Or doing whatever Billy's doing now. I hope you're OK Billy. My daughter will in 8 years' time be the age they were on this night in 2001, which brings it home to me how young they were. We all were. I'll light a candle and put it by the window tonight. All my love to all. |
3266 |
2024-11-07 |
16:04:55 |
Buon compleanno, Alberto. Time passes but the pain
of your absence is always deep and vivid. Isa e
Mario |
3265 |
2024-11-07 |
12:52:55 |
Happy Birthday, Alberto XXXX |
3262 |
phil orange |
2024-03-19 |
21:11:41 |
not forgotten. miss the band at the Orange. |
3261 |
2024-03-13 |
10:23:52 |
Happy Birthday Lee. Forever in our hearts.
Isa and Mario |
3260 |
2024-03-13 |
03:12:14 |
Happy Birthday, Lee XXXX |
3251 |
Mama Beee |
2023-12-09 |
10:22:40 |
Words from Anno...
"The journey is one never ending... The journey is
all. I'm part of it all, I'm the heart of it all -
and it is my heart. It gives me my air and my tears.
I'm born of it. I'll die to it. Its hand is always on
me. Its words carry me..."
And his journey does go on - in our memories and love
and in his his beautiful poems and music.
Happy 43rd birthdy my daring Anno.
xxxxx |
3250 |
2023-12-09 |
08:57:59 |
A warm intense hug from our hearts to Anno and Andrew: Happy birthday. Isa and Mario |
3249 |
Hannah |
2023-12-09 |
02:10:13 |
Time alone spent thinking, Sweet Anno...I never knew you, so I am
thinking of you as only a reader can. I have your words. When all of it
was birthed and all our spacetime stopped us from being one with the
Universe...we went on to experience duality, yin/yang, spin,
superpositional states, to be AND not to be. When the Universe dies,
will we return to that singularity? Will we all become one? Will we be
together? Each time I read your words, I think a bit more of what you
knew, Anno. Of course, I want to wonder as Hamlet, and yet want to
dare like Laertes. I wonder are you still part of our experiences? I dare
to imagine you take time with us and share its gifts to people - your
wonderful mother and generous father. And, of course, the children
that they help to become artists like you and something new. Maybe
you take a little time with even a person as unconnected as me. I can
and can't imagine the pain of knowing the past with the future in
sight. I have heard your mother read your words about time. I have
heard your father explore them. I wonder if you were ready or sad or
pleading or peaceful or each and none. I dare to be inspired by your
words with urgency to take the journey and find a closer way to
wholeness. Thank you for taking some time with me tonight, Anno.
Happy Birthday. Please give your parents a light and bold embrace for
me. Xxxx |
3248 |
2023-12-09 |
00:28:43 |
Happy Birthday, Anno XXXX |
3244 |
Ned |
2023-11-13 |
11:45:45 |
For those who haven't seen: you can now listen to
KjD on Spotify :)
Zg?si=7hkXjx1bTCug78OPauBmbQ |
3243 |
Gareth |
2023-11-08 |
14:59:14 |
I can't believe that after all this time I still
love your music! You're always close by, always
missed. I thank you for the gifts you left us xx |
3242 |
Lynn Kolb |
2023-11-08 |
10:55:05 |
Another year gone by - remembering the boys and the
special place they hold in my boy Billy's heart!
Peace and love to their families and their memories
until they meet again. XXXXOOOO |
3241 |
2023-11-08 |
08:33:00 |
Ciao Alberto anno Lee e Giorgio." Miss you every day till we meet again". Un grosso abbraccio a Bee e Andrew e a chi vi ricorda e porta nel cuore anno dopo anno.
Isa e Mario |
3240 |
Andrew |
2023-11-07 |
22:56:20 |
Out in Malawi, and watching hundreds of “Anno’s children” having
carefree fun, I was struck with the thought that none of this would
be happening if Anno were still alive….
And for us who bear the pain? “Love held in remembrance, is the
kind of immortality.” Remembering Alberto, Anno, Lee - and Billy -
with deep affection and love. Xx |
3239 |
2023-11-07 |
22:08:42 |
Happy Birthday, Alberto XXXX |
3238 |
Mama Beee |
2023-11-07 |
21:49:30 |
The dread night comes around again and I feel the same
ache of grief year after year that doesn't seem to
diminish as time passes. I am amazed that we have all
somehow managed to find the strength to go on decade
after decade, living with the pain of loss. But we do
-and the boys live on, shining so brightly in our
memories and our love for them. Oh Anno, I hope I
shall be lucky enough to dream of you tonight. And
"see you in sleep when you are perfect" xxx |
3237 |
2023-11-07 |
08:42:01 |
Ci manca di te tutto il tempo che non abbiamo vissuto insieme. Buon compleanno Alberto da papà e mamma. |
3236 |
e-j |
2023-07-17 |
14:58:13 |
a year and one week ago, i was lucky enough to see
jane perform her extraordinary set at the barbican.
at the end of the evening, thanks to the kindness
and assistance of andrew and jane's other family
members, my small bunch of lovely new friends and i
found ourselves taking it in turns to venture
surreally behind a door and down a flight of stairs
to each have our brief personal moment with jane. i
got to tell her how much she was loved and i'm so
grateful for that. she brought so much that was
beautiful to my life. thoughts and love to all her
family x |
3235 |
Aj |
2023-07-16 |
15:19:17 |
What a beautiful treasure trove I have navigated my way to. May
\r\nyour memories and impact be kept safe for eternity. |
3234 |
Hannah |
2023-07-16 |
14:54:53 |
Sweet Anno, please watch over your family now and always. I know
you are embracing Jane today. I never knew her, but from songs
and stories she was chivalrous in her bravery and love. Xxx |
3233 |
P |
2023-07-16 |
13:48:47 |
What a life Jane lived. Thinking of you all. |
3232 |
2023-05-16 |
09:36:03 |
Rest in peace boys.
I have just discovered you all after clicking on the random article
button on Wikipedia and discovering Anno Birkin's page.
I have the greatest of respect to those that are still keeping this
website, and their legacy, running.
C. |
3231 |
2023-03-13 |
23:33:47 |
Happy Birthday, Lee XXXX |
3230 |
2023-03-13 |
15:49:06 |
Happy birthday Lee xxxxxx |
3229 |
2023-03-13 |
10:52:01 |
Ciao Lee. Buon compleanno. Sei sempre nei nostri cuori. Isa e Mario |
3228 |
2022-12-09 |
18:35:35 |
Happy Birthday, Anno XXXX |
3227 |
2022-12-09 |
08:35:29 |
Per Anno: nel giorno del tuo compleanno ti rinnoviamo il nostro affetto. Ti portiamo nel cuore. Un abbraccio speciale a Andrew. Isa e Mario |
3226 |
Rosie |
2022-11-24 |
02:03:04 |
Thinking of all of you this November and beyond.
Love what you were, love what you could have been,
and love all that was created in your honor. |
3225 |
Lynn Kolb |
2022-11-08 |
16:58:31 |
Remembering your beautiful boys, Anno, Lee and
Alberto and sending peace and blessings to all
their families who miss them dearly! Hugs across
the pond - XXX000 |
3224 |
Gareth |
2022-11-08 |
16:01:02 |
It remains to be such a joy to share
your music with those who haven't heard
it. You are greatly missed x |
3223 |
2022-11-08 |
08:43:06 |
X |
3222 |
Mama Bee |
2022-11-08 |
06:34:52 |
And to you my darling Anno - I send all the love
that is still beating warmly in my heart after these
twenty years and eleven months that you have been
gone. It will never change and I will never cease
to wish I could have had had more time with you. But
I have to live in the knowledge that "every life is
complete at its end". And yours was, however short,
full of adventure and excitement.
And now your spirit lives on as your name echoes
constantly in the voices of the children here in
Africa, in the slums in Nairobi and in Northern
Malawi where the thousands of children who are part
of Anno's Africa enjoy your beautiful legacy. So
your bold heart still does beat on - and on - and
on. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
3221 |
Mama Bee |
2022-11-08 |
06:15:13 |
Oh Isa and Alberto - so many days and nights since
that terrible time when our boys were sent soaring
off into the universe. I think so often of them all
and of Alberto's birthday that ended in such grief.
But I have to tell you that here in Kenya, his,
Anno's and Lee's spirits are very much alive. I went
to a music class in the slums yesterday where our
new music teacher was creating the most beautiful
harmonies with our children and I wept for joy at
the sound echoing around the church hall. Very
different music to that which our boys would have
made for sure!! But it lifted my heart to a sense of
calm and happiness that I thought I had lost. I will
post a recording when they have finished rehearsing.
But for today, my darling friends, I hope you can
feel the love that I am willing to you across the
continent - and I hope we will be able to meet again
very soon.
xxxxxxxxx |
3220 |
2022-11-08 |
02:51:31 |
21 years and it hurts like it happened Yesterday. Questa è la notte più crudele della nostra vita che ci ha incatenato al dolore della vostra assenza.
One of the hardest thing to remember is your last goodbye: "Ci vediamo più tardi" "See you later". Ciao Alberto Anno Lee.
Aspetto di rivedervi ed vi porto tutti nel mio cuore.
Un grande abbraccio a Andrew Bee Ned Lissy ed alle loro famiglie.
Un grande grazie a tutti coloro che vi portano nel cuore e tengono vivo il vostro ricordo.
Isa con Mario |
3219 |
Gronk |
2022-11-07 |
22:39:45 |
Rest in peace, boys.\r\nYou are not
forgotten,\r\nNever.\r\nSleep in
comfort.\r\nRest in peace boys.\r\nWith love
forever xxx\r\n\r\n\"The stream flows,\r\nThe
wind blows,\r\nThe cloud fleets,\r\nThe heart
beats,\r\nNothing will die.\" |
3218 |
Andrew |
2022-11-07 |
22:18:24 |
I love what Ned wrote, about Anno living and loving with an
increasing sense of urgency as he approached this night, 21 years
ago. Strange to think of all those born as our boys died
celebrating their own 21st tonight … |
3217 |
Andrew |
2022-11-07 |
19:14:59 |
Joining cyberhands with Isa, Mario, Billy, Lee’s family and of
course Bee, David and Ned on this night of nights. Anno, you are
always where I am and ever shall be … Xxxx |
3216 |
2022-11-07 |
11:29:42 |
Happy Birthday, Alberto XXXX |
3215 |
2022-11-07 |
08:08:31 |
Buon compleanno Alberto.
"Ti manderò un bacio con il vento e so che lo sentirai"
mamma e papà |
3214 |
2022-10-10 |
03:42:58 |
KJD, alas, forever... |
3213 |
Ned |
2022-10-08 |
20:10:35 |
Today it has been exactly twenty years and eleven
months (7,639 days) since November 8th 2001, which
is exactly how old Anno was when he died. In other
words, he has now been gone for as long as he was
around. I don't know what significance that really
has or what it matters, but it struck me and gives
me a perspective on how long he had on this planet.
It still stuns me to think of how young Anno was
when he died, and how much he squeezed out of the
short time he had. In his final years he lived with
such urgency and intensity, creating and loving and
living at an accelerated rate, it seemed. I'm so
glad he got to experience as much as he did before
his universe was cut short so suddenly. The way he
used the little time he had will always be an
inspiration and example to me, for how to use mine. |
3212 |
Cian Pritchard |
2022-08-19 |
17:15:48 |
This is what I wrote on the inside cover of 'Who
Said the Race is Over?' For a friend of mine, who
was to receive it.
Who Said the Race is Over? (Underlined)
This was the beginning for me, this might be the
beginning, too, for you. Read Anno with violence,
read Anno with a soft heart, read Anno with
compassion and lust, read Anno with intention. Read
Anno with bitterness and disappointment. Read him as
if the soft veil over the world has been torn away,
and left everything bruised and cold. As much as you
should read him with strange optimism, that all will
flourish and not burn. Only then will he unravel the
heart, and touch the gut. Not only touch, but rip it
up only to feel the words, to really make you see
him, see Anno. Then, the race will only continue...
Cian x
3211 |
Anyone in Annos world who wants to |
2022-08-17 |
12:00:41 |
Although wisdom is desired
by our limits we are mired
So although we should all try to
do our best
We must not blame ourselves too
For the things that we cannot
And accept that we will not pass
every test
The one place there are no
Is the dreaming world within us
And I really love to visit it
and stare
At all the hopes and yearning
With no need of tough decisions
Where I’m free to let my heart
roam without care
When my heart is on my sleeve
And I can say what I believe
Some people can perceive the
ring of truth
Sometimes those with the most
Take my tender dream and flog it
Can’t see unless I offer
concrete proof
No side is right , no side is
We write the tune to our own
And its good to accept views
from either side
We must take care as we observe
That we do not touch tender
By not seeing the big picture
Tall and wide
3209 |
Mama Beee |
2022-03-29 |
18:40:08 |
Happy Birthday dear Billy - yet another revolution
round the sun...
Longing for you to come back to Wales.
Love Mama Beee
xxxxxxxxxx |
3210 |
Mama Beee |
2022-03-29 |
18:40:08 |
Happy Birthday dear Billy - yet another revolution
round the sun...
Longing for you to come back to Wales.
Love Mama Beee
xxxxxxxxxx |
3208 |
2022-03-13 |
16:57:42 |
Happy birthday dearest Lee. Always in our hearts. Isa and Mario |
3207 |
2022-03-13 |
00:28:29 |
Happy Birthday, Lee XXXX |
3206 |
Jill |
2022-02-09 |
15:23:21 |
Thinking of you again this week Lee. |
3205 |
Hannah |
2021-12-09 |
18:35:00 |
Watching how the words bend. Happy Birthday, Anno! Such love to
you, your bandmates, and, of course, all your dear ones. I will share
with others...share the shadow, share the light of your journey and
creativity. And happy birthday to Andrew! |
3204 |
Andrew |
2021-12-09 |
17:52:27 |
Thank you dear Isa and Mario... we're raising a
glass to all our boys. Alberto is never forgotten in
this house, where his astounding drums live on and on ...
Happy 40th Anno - you don't even want to know what
dread quarter century I've just entered, the last
before I hit 100... Xxx |
3203 |
2021-12-09 |
10:05:58 |
In questo giorno speciale porgiamo i nostri auguri ad Anno ed Andrew con tanto e tanto affetto. Un abbraccio fortissimo. Isa e Mario |
3202 |
2021-12-09 |
00:06:22 |
Happy Birthday, Anno XXXX |
3201 |
Katerina |
2021-11-26 |
21:03:44 |
I was 14 when I stumbled upon Anno’s story in the copy of my
mother’s You magazine one Sunday. I don’t remember what
compelled me to stop and read it but there was an instant jolt,
an instant connection, an instant heart ache. I exhausted my
parents’ ink cartridges printing off his works, I’d try (and fail) to
emulate his gift, I’d devour and weep over his words, I wrote
his poems out for friends and teachers and proselytise about
dear, amazing, magical Anno. Who Said the Race is Over has
been a companion to me ever since.
And still, after all these years, I find Anno’s words echoing in
my head and I come back to his works and I ache for him and
his family. Thank you, Anno, for your gift to us all. And thank
you to his family for keeping his legacy alight. X |
3200 |
The Citrons |
2021-11-09 |
21:19:28 |
Lots of love to everyone |
3199 |
Cian Pritchard |
2021-11-08 |
23:33:58 |
Anno, he's the inspiration that shapes my mind, and words. The
immaculate play of poetry, the music, his voice, and photos -- break
me and make me and add to what's next in this life. Anno, the
treasure, still, twenty years on. The race is still not over and will
continue to no end. Twenty years, though I had not met him -- he has
made me. A world of inspiration, that makes me proud to have
discovered him, dear Anno. I am happy to have found that poem
"Time, alone spent thinking, drinking sorrow in its purest form. Time,
alone spent waiting for tomorrow. Time, or lack thereof, is taking over,
and my grave is getting closer." This, the inspiration that got to me in
January of 2020, to write, to fall into deep thoughts with ink and
paper. Anno, the inspiration of the world. The treasure, that we all
here have found or experienced. Now, I see him, in a halo of poetry,
sat upon the white plateau, rejoining us, this eve.
Much love to Andrew and Bee, and all by his side.
C xx |
3198 |
2021-11-08 |
21:59:44 |
And to Isa and Mario, I am sending the largest
warmest hug and I wish I could be with you at the
mass for the boys tonight. I remember so well the
time when I was - and I will imagine myself there
beside you today. Love from MamaBee |
3197 |
Mama Beee |
2021-11-08 |
21:47:51 |
Everyone has written so eloquently today, darling
Anno. Such beautiful words. I can think of nothing
to add really... except to say that your heart beats
boldly on in mine and the love I feel for you is as
strong as it ever was - and so is the missing.
Mama xxxxx |
3196 |
Ned |
2021-11-08 |
10:07:03 |
Last night I climbed a hill behind the place I am
staying in Crete, to an ancient olive tree that’s
over 3000 years old. I dropped a piece of Anno
into its hollow (but still living) core, and spent
the evening on top of some equally ancient ruins,
under the stars, overlooking the flickering lights
of the bay, listening to KJD and drinking JD
amidst the tinkling of goat bells.
It was the best way I could think of to usher in
twenty years, and although it felt perfect nothing
could really ever feel a sufficient testament to
those years. No words or actions can express the
missing, the sadness, the lost futures of those
four boys who died on November 8th 2001. Their
lifetime’s ago now, yet still like it was
yesterday, as in a part of my mind I’ll always be
16, frozen in time, hearing the news from dear
Lissy as she took my hand on the road outside
Iverna court. The shock of that day, and the
seismic impact of it on so many lives can still be
felt rippling through the decades. In some ways
that’s a comfort for me – to know that even after
twenty years there can be moments where the agony
of losing him is as acute as it was on that day.
To know that the pangs of love will persist, less
frequently, but undimmed and undiminished, for the
rest of my time on this planet.
Thinking of all of you whose lives were smashed
apart by that day too: the family and friends of
Alberto, Lee, Giorgio, and Anno, and sending you
so much love.
xxxx |
3195 |
Allira |
2021-11-08 |
05:45:02 |
Always in my thoughts daily, carried in
my heart thru every task. Twenty years?!
Why do the brightest stars burn out
faster? To emblazon their essence on our
souls, so we may never forget them? Love
to all of you who knew them. We were
blessed. Treasure every moment of this
fleeting existence! So full of grief and
suffering. Fate is a harsh mistress but
there is still beauty to behold
everywhere... |
3194 |
Allira |
2021-11-08 |
05:44:51 |
Always in my thoughts daily, carried in
my heart thru every task. Twenty years?!
Why do the brightest stars burn out
faster? To emblazon their essence on our
souls, so we may never forget them? Love
to all of you who knew them. We were
blessed. Treasure every moment of this
fleeting existence! So full of grief and
suffering. Fate is a harsh mistress but
there is still beauty to behold
everywhere... |
3193 |
Gareth |
2021-11-08 |
03:51:16 |
Even in your absence, you\'re still present. Your
\r\nbold hearts do indeed beat on x |
3192 |
Lynn Kolb |
2021-11-08 |
00:37:47 |
My continued prayers for the dearest of families
that lost and miss their treasured sons, Anno, Lee
and Alberto. My heart cries for you... until you
meet with them again. Twenty years? how can that
be? Love and peace to all. |
3191 |
Gronk |
2021-11-07 |
17:55:33 |
Twenty years since that night? - it's
almost impossible to believe.
"My whole life hangs tonight like water,
swelling to the final drop."
Rest in peace. |
3190 |
Hannah |
2021-11-07 |
17:25:06 |
Sometimes I listen to KjD's music, and I ponder when it gets quieter
in a track for a long, long moment before returning in all their
boldness! Oh, those boys turned the screams into songs. This
stranger has loved in the most extreme of gratitude to learn their
stories; and those of the people who made them, and are being made
by them. I send an embrace to all of KjD's family and friends. Xx |
3189 |
2021-11-07 |
16:20:08 |
"See you later" queste le ultime parole che ho udito da Voi.
E aspetto. Aspetto. Aspetto di rivedervi, di risentirvi.
"Here we are!"
Aspetto che ribussiate alla mia porta per riabbracciare Alberto, Anno,Lee e Giorgio.
Il mio affetto e amore per voi, per le vostre famiglie, per coloro che vi portano nel cuore.
Un abbraccio speciale a Bee ed Andrew.
Love Isa
3188 |
Andrew |
2021-11-07 |
15:18:34 |
"The intense horror of nightmare came over me: I
tried to draw back my arm, but the hand clung to
it, and a most melancholy voice sobbed, 'Let me in
—let me in! I'm come home: I'd lost my way on the
moors!' The fingers relaxed, I snatched mine
through the hole and stopped my ears to exclude
the lamentable prayer. Yet the instant I listened
again, there was the doleful cry moaning on.
'Begone!' I shouted. 'I'll never let you in, not
if you beg for twenty years.' 'It is twenty
years,' mourned the voice: 'twenty years. I've
been a waif for twenty years!'"
I so well remember reading chunks of "Wuthering
Heights" to Anno when he was about 10. If only our
boys were to beat upon our windows tonight,
wouldn't we all fling them open in an instant and
wrap them in our arms?
3187 |
2021-11-07 |
04:59:03 |
Happy Birthday, Alberto X |
3186 |
2021-10-31 |
08:15:50 |
3185 |
2021-10-31 |
07:42:19 |
3184 |
2021-10-31 |
07:41:58 |
3183 |
Hannah |
2021-09-12 |
12:58:04 |
Hello Sweet Anno…I am listening to Who Said the Race is
Over? CDs - to your loved ones boldly reading some of your
poetry this morning. And I wish I could somehow bump into
you now, and have a conversation about this life and all that
surrounds it. Anno, I wonder if we choose to be born? And are
we able for the time and chance we’re conceived into? I don’t
know about myself or Hamlet for that matter. I think you
certainly were mighty and sensitive enough to reach for the
light of this life. I don’t write poetry, but I’m still inspired by you
to make new things…songs of my own heart. Thank you for
that. I never knew you, but as 20 years come in a couple of
months, I send love to your amazing family. I’m forever grateful
they share your music and memory to thrill not only a person
like me, but hundreds of children who are reaching for the light
of their own art. Lots of Love xxxxxx |
3182 |
2021-03-13 |
08:43:53 |
Happy birthday Lee xxxxxx |
3181 |
2021-03-13 |
00:01:40 |
Happy Birthday, Lee XXXX |
3180 |
Hannah |
2021-02-18 |
22:53:11 |
Anno...I wish we could've been friends. This and many others -
there's a flight of wishes in my heart right now, but another is to keep
learning from your poetry. That last day or two, I have been singing
"Landslide" in my head, and I haven't been able to stop. I can't claim
to know what it's all about, and I try not to figure an explanation. Still
as I work to become a better person and bury all the bad things of
myself forever, I have a pleasure in hearing you shout that song in my
head. I wish I could talk to you about poetry, but, really, I barely
understand it! Still I carry my battered copy of your wonderful book. I
love to read and remember certain words though the sensitivity you
had was for experiences of life which I know nothing about! I've never
had a lover, barely grasp quantum mechanics, and have never written
real poetry. And yet. I feel it's not only okay, but key to read and feel
about someone's life beyond one's own. Literature at its boldest is
I'm older than you were (though when I first learned you have lived, I
was quite younger). I look and find the poem you made at 15. It's full
of wondrous rage, a sunrise to a new meaning in your life. Your father,
in one or two interviews, says you began poetry at around that age.
There's a strange yin/yang - wisdom and naivete - about your
perception of poetry's power. You call it a "spear", and it has "venom"
and will "stop at nothing to tear apart your soul." Oh, Anno, so much
has happened in the world since 2001, and so many would have loved
to read your words about it all. There have been those many horrors
and heartbreaks, a lot caused by people who read without watching
how the words bend (or didn't read at all". Still. There have been
those who "tear off the hide from the cow of conformity" too. Though
I don't really know how to explain it here, I feel words of the poet can
shake people to stop what they're doing and think of doing
something better. Poetry CAN change us. Your words are changing
me this very moment.
Thank you, Anno. Let's enjoy the ongoing race among the stars. |
3179 |
e-j |
2020-12-11 |
10:12:10 |
sending a thought for kate today x |
3178 |
Andrew |
2020-12-10 |
17:46:09 |
PS Just piped an eye at your Mama's message... |
3177 |
Andrew |
2020-12-10 |
17:43:31 |
The happiest of birthdays, adored Anno - but a day
tardy as I was imbibing with your brother till a
late hour... Xxxx |
3176 |
N |
2020-12-09 |
23:38:24 |
Happy 40th birthday dearest bro.
You're never far from my thoughts.
xxxxx |
3175 |
MamaBeee |
2020-12-09 |
09:46:46 |
My darling boy, waking this morning 40 years on
from the day of your birth I am tempted to believe
in the possibility that you are living out your
years somewhere in a parallel universe, surrounded
by your children perhaps - and pursuing the life
and career that you wished for yourself. But then
ruthless logic grounds me I know that you are
still - and always will be - that young man of
almost 21, on the brink of an exciting time,
making music with your friends and writing your
beautiful poetry, whose future was dashed to
pieces that night on the Italian autostrada. So
what you might have become, and what you might
have experienced remain a mystery held frozen in
time. But darling Anno, you live on in a very real
sense in the tender memories I hold in my heart.
Forever young. Forever loved by your Mama xxxx |
3174 |
2020-12-09 |
08:17:43 |
Buon Compleanno ad Anno. And in this particular day a very very warm hug to Andreew. Isa and Mario |
3173 |
2020-12-09 |
00:36:55 |
Happy Birthday, Anno XXXX |
3172 |
2020-11-09 |
02:20:39 |
th.mp3 |
3171 |
2020-11-08 |
22:05:59 |
Ogni minuto, ogni istante di questa tristissima giornata siete stati con me, nel mio cuore, nei miei pensieri, nella mia carne. Il dolore per la vostra assenza è sempre vivo e profondo. Ciao Alberto, ciao Anno, ciao Lee, ciao Giorgio.
Un abbraccio a Bee ed a Andrew ed a tutti coloro che vi amano e vi ricordano. Isa |
3170 |
Hannah |
2020-11-08 |
16:35:45 |
Dearest Anno, I’m an outsider, but you know your family has
been and brave and generous to share your words and music
with the world. I listen to the powerful albums, read the heart
rendering poems, and touch your journey through this creative
spider web of film and photos. Please let them know how
grateful I am to them.
Also, I watch from afar through more close by cameras upon
Anno’s Africa. It’s a rejoicing to see the children find their art.
Like your hands reached for the light, I know those remarkable
kids are learning to make their own.
I want to also thank you on a personal note. I’ve come to
heartbreak, but often too to a healing in your way with music
and words. When I think of you, Anno, I know it’s okay...it’s
okay to create and, it’s even more so, to love. Xxxxx |
3169 |
Gareth |
2020-11-08 |
15:08:21 |
You will always remain with us x |
3168 |
Emma |
2020-11-08 |
10:09:36 |
Thinking of you all today.
We have a new member of the family to join
us this time: Lee's newborn nephew, Leo.
Lots of love,
Emma |
3167 |
Mama Beee |
2020-11-08 |
05:58:26 |
Isa and Mario I so wish I could have held your
hands in mine once again on Alberto's birthday but
instead I am sending "buon compleanno" to him from
locked down Wales. He was a splendid and much
loved and admired young man, so talented and kind.
We all miss him.xxx |